full planning
For couples wanting guidance throughout their entire wedding planning process
Inquire Now
Access to online planning portal
Unlimited phone/email communication
Up to 12 monthly planning meetings
Assistance with Budget determination and breakdown
Assistance in finding dream venue
Research needed vendors that fit your event style & budget
Attend up to 5 vendor meetings of your choice
Create comprehensive, detailed timeline, floor plan, and set up list
Venue walk-through prior to wedding day
Confirm details with vendors 2 weeks prior and share timeline
Coordinate rehearsal and distribute timeline to appropriate family members and wedding party members
Collect all personal decor items at rehearsal & transport to wedding site on wedding day
Up to 12 hours day-of coordination, including set up and strike
1 Day-Of Assistant
Ceremony site set-up
Reception site set-up
Greeting and directing all vendors & serve as point person
Direct ceremony procession and activities
Help coordinate family photos
Coordinate reception events
Distribute final payments/gratuities to vendors on your behalf
Coordinate transport of gifts/personal items to the designated car/room
Clean up of all personal decor